Sunday, June 9, 2013


      If you're a teenager, or at least you will be soon, then you've probably asked that question at least once, so I'm going to answer that (as much as I can! I don't know about your love life <3!). First off, Why am I doing this blog? Well I just love writing and wanted to get started in that.

 Why call it Iron & Diamonds? What I did for the blog title was that I combined the saying "Iron Sharpens Iron",

And put that with the fact that  diamonds are a girl's best friend

I'm making this blog for all teen or preteen girls.

Other Questions!
Who am I? Hannah May
Where am I from? Clarks Summit, PA
How long have I been blogging Iron & Diamonds? This is my first time!

Be sure to check back here tomorrow!

-Blog creator, Hannah May

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